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Online Branding

Published on January 11th, 2017 | by Editor


Creating a multi-platform marketing strategy for your business

As with many aspects of running your business, diversifying is key for your marketing strategy. Your pool of potential customers interact with the world in different ways, and this is why you should advertise on different platforms, from print media through to social networking sites. By spreading your marketing budget, you will cover a larger audience and reduce the chances that any specific platform will not deliver results. 

Each platform has a different core audience

Your product or service may appeal to a wide demographic, but the marketing platform that you choose may only cover a certain specific audience. If you choose to advertise in broadsheet printed newspapers, you are almost guaranteed to completely miss the opportunity to reach a younger audience. Depending on your business, this might be acceptable, but even more mature audiences are exchanging printed media for online sources.

On the other hand, focusing purely on an online platform could mean that wealthy and time-rich older audiences do not get exposed to your campaign. It is also worth considering that customers are more likely to remember your message if they get exposed to it from different sources and angles. Your business will certainly benefit from being front and centre on several channels at the same time. 

Mobile marketing is an essential platform

There is no point ignoring the importance of advertising on mobile content platforms. Consumers are spending increasing amounts of time looking at mobile phone and tablet screens at the expense of print media and online media accessed via desktop computers. It is also true for business-to-business interactions, which are no longer limited to desktop computers and laptops. This is not to say that your campaign should restrict itself to internet advertising – text message or SMS campaigns that can be executed with the help of a company such as Veoo can be very effective in grabbing a customer’s attention. 

Avoid confusion with multi-platform marketing

One point that you should bear in mind when putting together a marketing campaign running across platforms is that you need to coordinate carefully. Make sure that you are offering a consistent message, even if the content varies. A particular target customer may come across your business on multiple platforms, and they would expect to see consistency. For example, don’t claim that your business offers excellent value and prices on one platform while stating that it is an exclusive and luxurious product elsewhere.

Planning will always be a key element in any marketing strategy, and it is even more important if you promote your business across different platforms. You may want to tie a print campaign to offers available online while creating space on social media for customers to interact with a current banner advertising campaign. Perhaps the most important point is to make sure that you set objectives at the start of your campaign: know what you are intending to achieve, and pick the marketing platforms that are most likely to help you reach your goals.

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